Earth day 2024

OTR International School students invites you to celebrate the “Earth day” together!

As part of our commitment to environmental awareness and appreciation, our students have been preparing artistic displays of crafts inspired by our beautiful planet. These exhibits showcase their creativity and highlight the importance of protecting our environment for future generations.

In addition to the art displays, our choirs will be performing environmentally-themed songs.

Furthermore, we are thrilled to announce that this event will also serve as an opportunity for our Grade 5 students to showcase their hard work and dedication through the Primary Years Programme (PYP) exhibition. This exhibition represents a culmination of their learning journey, and we invite you to witness their innovative projects and insightful discoveries.


We remind you that DayCare service will stop at 16h30 (Short DayCare only) while clubs will take place as usual and will end at 16h30.

We look forward to seeing you there!



Apr 22 2024


17:00 - 19:00


Salle Scheiss


OTR School

Other Organizers