Our typical day in Primary at OTR International School!
At OTR we welcome each student individually, first at the drop off and then in the classroom to start the day in a serene and caring atmosphere.
Learning to learn
Classes begin with the homeroom teacher for English Language, Math or Discovery of the World; the teacher makes sure to provide differentiated strategies for students to learn how to learn.
Break time
A well-deserved break time, staggered according to class levels; soccer, basketball or yard games are on the agenda. The students are supervised by educators who ensure that the children evolve safely and in a climate of cooperation and mutual aid.
PYP Curriculum
Students continue their exciting learning journey through the IB PYP transdisciplinary units and the individual curricular subjects.
Lunch time
For lunch, our Eurest catering service offers a variety of balanced meals. These meals are adapted to possible allergies and respect the religious beliefs of families who request them.
Developing your potential
Classes in French Language, together with history, geography, art, expressive arts, library and ICT lessons will go on during the day to fully cover all the curricula subjects by the specific teachers.
Classes end and daycare begins
Some students go home, while others take advantage of our daycare services or various clubs offered by our team of educators and external service providers. Whether it’s chess, soccer, art, choir or cooking, at OTR there is always time to discover new passions and make new friends.
OTR closes its doors and looks forward to the next day!